Write and wipe books

Write & Wipe Books Set (Free Shipping)

Product Price

MURs375.00 MURs425.00


Suitable for kids as from 3 years and above 
Develop and practice first handwriting skills in these colorful 
wipe-clean activity book! Children can trace over handwriting 
patterns, then move on to forming first numerals and letters,  
including both lowercase and capital letters and wipe-clean as 
and when required...before attempting some simple words. 

Product Specification 
Sets of 4 Write and Wipe Books  
GIFT Whiteboard markers x 3  

What’s included: 4 Books 

  1. English ABC 
  2. English 123 
  3. French ABC 
  4. French 123 
    GIFT whiteboard markers x 3 

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